Hi! I'm Sunny, a software developer who:
loves to create ✨outstanding application by crafting simple, clean & scalable codes.
experiment with 🤖technologies by digging into technical books and cloud stuffs.
spends free time 👩💻blogging and 📚reading biographies, business books, and novels.
Purpose: To gain experience in web front-end and back-end development.
Work: Analyzed the business logics and constructed the back-end structure. Built half of the front-end web application. Eventually, took charge and re-built the entire back-end within two months.
Result: Crafted a team of six to continuously work on a side project for a year. We expected to launch our beta version for testing in January of 2022.
Tech: React.js, Next.js, Material UI, Firebase Authentication, Node.js, Express, Typescript, Google Cloud Platform, MongoDb, Docker, Terraform.

Purpose: To work on back-end and cloud technologies, and gain experience in collaborating with different countries, cultures, and generations as a cofounder.
Work: Built the staging back-end for testing within two weeks. Designed the entire cloud structure within two months. Developed authentication system documented with Solution Intent for analyzation of different approaches —Keycloak, Auth0, Okta and customization. Built logging system with GCP Kubernetes and EFK(ElasticSearch, FluentD, Kibana). Constructed a solid business plan in Mandarin for accelerator applications. Helped develop the camera section of WALL-E, which was the hardware device of our product. We also worked through the Y Combinator’s startup school daily schedule for six months.
Result: We became a partner in MIH, an open EV ecosystem platform hosted by Foxconn, and got accepted by TAcc+ in 2021, which was an accelerator focusing on IoT in Taiwan. I also certified myself with AWS Solution Architect Associate to further my knowledge and experience of cloud.
Tech: Node.js, C++, PostgreSQL, Redis, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, AWS Solution Architect, Docker, Kubernetes.

Purpose: To gain experience in developing an IoT medical product.
Work: Built the iOS application development with connection to IoT via bluetooth. I was the sole iOS developer during the early days, and the company heavily depended on the release of the app to generate revenue - I managed to launch the first stable iOS version within six months. To increase the stability of the app, I persuaded the RD team lead to increase the implementation of Unit Test and set a principle for the iOS team to increase the percentage of the coverage rate on every merge request.
Result: KNEESUP received a user satisfaction rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars. As a design-oriented startup, the app was aesthetically designed with 90% pages of animations. I was able to deliver the app 100% as designed. The code base increased 10% of coverage rate within two months. It was also verified with ISO 62304, the standard for medical software, which I participated in documenting.
Tech: Swift, C, Xcode, Bluetooth, RxSwift, MVVM, Multi-language Localization, Core Animation.
Purpose: To gain full-stack development experience and build a product from 0 to 1.
Work: I was the tech lead responsible for analyzing users’ needs, building, and maintaining the product. Built the back-end with Firebase and iOS app as MVP within 6 months. Participated in the double diamond design process with UX designers. Implemented In-App-Purchase for cash flow. Applied Firebase Analytics, a measurement solution that provides insight on app usage and user engagement, to determine and optimize the user flow with a data-driven approach.
Result: Comma was listed as a featured app in the App Store 3 times and had more than 13 thousands users.
Tech: Swift, Xcode, AVAudioPlayer, Custom Audio Player, Facebook & Google Log In, In-App Purchase, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Realtime Database, Firebase Storage, Firebase Analytics.

Purpose: To become an independent iOS developer.
Work: Built and launched 2 applications: SuperBuy and KMT. SuperBuy was an e-commerce platform app for smallholders and KMT was an internal election app for one of the largest political parties in Taiwan. Led a team of 3 to build a mobile banking app. Migrated the original Objective-C code to Swift and modularized the framework for flexible reuse.
Result: Modularized Swift Framework reduced the development time to half. Blogged and finished the series “Swift 100 days”.
Tech: Swift, Objective-C, Xcode, Modularized Framework, Cocoapods.
Built Home Page from modularized frameworks.
Wrote an article called " How To Rotate Only One ViewController to Landscape Orientation?". Optimizing the SEO and the topic, the article has 31 thousands views and more than 600 claps on medium.
Wrote an article called " Collectionview in Tableview & Youtube Helper & MORE!!!" to record my journey of development. Furthermore, I have other articles that have more than 20k views, such as “ Hands-On Chatbot: Chatfuel Basics” and " Swift 4: Padding of UITextField & UITextView".
Collaborating with the UI and back-end team of Rangkaya, I helped building the most iOS experience. My responsibility revolved around creating dynamic forms that enabled Rangkaya understands its user to make better suggestions. This required me to implement the UI design and take consideration of Apple Human Interface Guidelines as well as integrating the API.
Pinder is a platform to help people find the right partners for their side projects.

WALL-E was a collective knowledge for smart mobility by enabling drivers to look beyond what they can see through a shared map of tracked object (e.g. car, pedestrian, hazard) locations updated in real-time.

Comma was the first audio course platform in Taiwan. The goal was to help people learn at any moment in life.
Chin-Chih was a B2B freelancing company. It mostly collaborated with institutions, banking, and other companies.

Entrepreneur, product builder, and full stack developer. I enjoy turning complex problems to simple applications. When I'm not coding, you'll find me in the gym 🏋️♀️.

AWS Solution Architect Assosiate
AWS Solution Architect Assosiate is intended for anyone with one or more years of hands-on experience designing available, cost-efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS. I certified myself with AWS SAA-C02 in June, 2021.

The Art of Unit Testing
The Art of Unit Testing, Second Edition guides you step by step from writing your first simple tests to developing robust test sets that are maintainable, readable, and trustworthy. I wrote a series of thorough learning notes with 11 articles. The series was one of the most-followed series on CoderBridge, which was an online publishing platform for programmers in Taiwan.
Absolute C++
Absolute C++ is a comprehensive introduction to the C++ programming language. The text is organized around the specific use of C++, providing programmers with an opportunity to master the language completely.

Handbook of the CPE
The goal of the Collegiate Programming Examination (CPE) is to serve as a standard for the "programming proficiency test" in Taiwan.
Linux Cuisine: Basics
Linux Cuisine: Basics is a complete guide for beginners to learn linux.

Clean Code
Clean Code provides a knowledge base that describes the way we think when we write, read, and clean code.
I have written more than 100 articles on my medium blog. Recently, I created a publication focusing on the cloud, back-end, and architecture.